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How a Top Fresh Dog Food Brand Boosted Protein Levels with British-Made Pea Protein

by Ellie Grubb on 30.9.2024

At Novo Farina, we understand the growing demand for high-quality, plant-based ingredients, not just for human consumption, but for our four-legged friends as well. A leading fresh dog food brand approached us with the goal of increasing the protein content in their plant-based dog meal option, while maintaining a commitment to sustainability and supporting British-made ingredients.

The Challenge: Improving Protein Levels and Sustainability in Plant-Based Dog Food

The brand’s core product - a veg-led meal designed for dogs - was popular for its natural, whole food ingredients. However, they wanted to:

  • Increase the protein levels in the plant-based dog meal to meet the nutritional needs of dogs.
  • Source British-made ingredients to improve sustainability and reduce their reliance on imported products, especially in light of growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products.
  • Reduce food miles by minimizing imports and supporting local UK agriculture.

The Solution: British-Made Pea Protein from Novo Farina

To address these needs, Novo Farina introduced the brand to our British-made Ultra Fine Pea Protein, produced from 100% yellow peas. By incorporating this ingredient into their product, the dog food brand was able to achieve their goals of boosting protein content and improving sustainability.

Key Benefits of British-Made Pea Protein for the Brand:

  • High Protein Content - our pea protein is high in protein, providing a healthy protein source ideal for dogs’ nutritional needs. The inclusion of pea protein significantly increased the overall protein content of their plant-based meal, making it more nutritionally balanced.
  • Sustainability- by using British-made Pea Protein, the brand reduced its reliance on imported ingredients, which in turn lowered their carbon footprint. This shift aligned with their sustainability goals, helping them promote a more eco-friendly product.
  • Reduced Food Miles - the switch to locally produced pea protein significantly reduced food miles, further enhancing the sustainability of their product and creating a cleaner, more traceable supply chain.
  • Nutrition and Taste - the pea protein not only improved the nutritional profile but also maintained the palatability of the meal, ensuring dogs would still enjoy the product without compromising on flavour or texture.

The Results: A More Sustainable, High-Protein Plant-Based Dog Meal

Thanks to the partnership with Novo Farina, the brand was able to enhance their product offering:

  • Increased Protein Levels: The plant-based dog meal now meets higher protein standards, providing better nutrition for pets.
  • Improved Sustainability: The use of British-made pea protein helped reduce the brand’s environmental impact, resonating with eco-conscious consumers.
  • Support for British Agriculture: By switching to locally grown ingredients, the brand contributed to the UK economy and reduced food miles, positioning themselves as a sustainable leader in the pet food market.

Conclusion: A Commitment to Health and Sustainability

This case study highlights how switching to Novo Farina’s British-made pea protein not only improved the nutritional profile of the brand’s plant-based dog meal but also allowed them to uphold their commitment to sustainability. By sourcing locally and reducing food miles, the brand demonstrated its dedication to creating healthy, eco-friendly products for pets.

If you're looking to improve the nutritional value and sustainability of your pet food products, Novo Farina’s British-made pea protein is the perfect ingredient to help you achieve those goals.

Interested in learning more? Get in touch with us today to explore how our pea protein can transform your pet food offerings!

#Sustainability #PetFood #PlantBased #PeaProtein #BritishMade #EcoFriendly #DogNutrition #NovoFarina #PetFoodInnovation